(212) Manhattan Speed Dating- SOLD OUT
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Tired of meeting Men/Women that live far away?
Want to meet someone that is close enough to walk or cab to? If you are single and live in Manhattan this is the right event for you! You must live in the city to attend.
Ages: Men 28-38 Women: 25-35
Where: Amber- 381 3rd Ave, New York, NY (27 & 3rd Ave)
When: 7:00 PM on December 22, 2010
Cost: $30.00 SOLD OUT
Whats Included: Introduction to Ten Singles that live in Manhattan, free appetizers, and drink specials. A percentage of ticket sales will be donated to Toys for Tots.
Want to meet someone that is close enough to walk or cab to? If you are single and live in Manhattan this is the right event for you! You must live in the city to attend.
Ages: Men 28-38 Women: 25-35
Where: Amber- 381 3rd Ave, New York, NY (27 & 3rd Ave)
When: 7:00 PM on December 22, 2010
Cost: $30.00 SOLD OUT
Whats Included: Introduction to Ten Singles that live in Manhattan, free appetizers, and drink specials. A percentage of ticket sales will be donated to Toys for Tots.