Dean'a Delrose: Fashion Innovation with a Message for All
By Gabriela Murphy-Goldberg
March 20, 2015
March 20, 2015
We all go through life bombarded by judgments; whether they be about us directly or simply the world around us. From the media to the "mean girl" in your life, we are taught that judgment is just a part of life. Clothing we dress in, food we eat, beliefs we have; its all open game. Dean'a Delrose, however, does not think this is the right way to live. Thus she came up with the OGCJ clothing line, which is short for "Only God Can Judge." This line is not based on any religion specifically, however it brings across the message that we are all simply mortals. Who are we to judge others, or "cast the first stone?"
When asked about why she chose the motto and why she began creating this up and coming brand, she replied: "When growing up we didn't have a lot of money and I took observation in the ways people would look and judge my clothes. We judge what we see without knowing the story or the facts. The OGCJ T-shirts encourage us to relinquish our need to constantly classify things as good or bad, right or wrong. I created the collection to encourage men and women to shed the burden of judgment and this brand is very different than what is currently is available."
Instead of making 'fashion statements' with her brand, she is making a bold statement about life while using fashion as a vessel. If the message of her clothing line is not enough, her brand donates one dollar from every sale to a non profit organization. The first organization to be donated to is Team LeGrand of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, created my Eric LeGrand. Eric LeGrand happened to be Delrose's inspiration in regards to creating this brand after she read his book Believe: My Faith and the Tackle that Changed My Life.
The OGCJ website is up and ready for sales:
When asked about why she chose the motto and why she began creating this up and coming brand, she replied: "When growing up we didn't have a lot of money and I took observation in the ways people would look and judge my clothes. We judge what we see without knowing the story or the facts. The OGCJ T-shirts encourage us to relinquish our need to constantly classify things as good or bad, right or wrong. I created the collection to encourage men and women to shed the burden of judgment and this brand is very different than what is currently is available."
Instead of making 'fashion statements' with her brand, she is making a bold statement about life while using fashion as a vessel. If the message of her clothing line is not enough, her brand donates one dollar from every sale to a non profit organization. The first organization to be donated to is Team LeGrand of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, created my Eric LeGrand. Eric LeGrand happened to be Delrose's inspiration in regards to creating this brand after she read his book Believe: My Faith and the Tackle that Changed My Life.
The OGCJ website is up and ready for sales: