UM| DATE: Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What kind of people will I meet?
A: Our guests tend to be single South Asian professionals. Urban Milan tailors the guests list - other services operate a first come first served format - we consider age, interests and background.
Q: Is this site secure?
A: Absolutely! Your credit card details are submitted to PayPal’s secure encrypted database.
Q: When are the events held?
A: Our guests have busy social lives, so most UM|Date events are held on Sunday's or on Weeknight's. Our research shows that these are the least busy nights of the week for singles.
Q: What time do the events begin and end?
A: Most of our speed dating events begin at 5:30 pm with the speed dating starting 30 minutes later. There is a 15 minute break half way through the event.
Q: Can I sign up with a friend?
A: Yes. Just make sure that they sign up for the same speed dating event.
Q: Are there always equal numbers of men and women at these events?
A: We go to great lengths to ensure that we have an equal number of men and women at each of our speed dating events. We ensure that we have the required number of people confirmed and we send out reminders. We also ask people to let us know if they can no longer make it as we can usually fill a space, even at the last minute. Nevertheless, not everyone lets us know if they can no longer make it, so from time to time there will be unequal numbers, despite our best efforts.
Q: What's the dress code?
A: You're going on a series of first dates, so dress to impress!
Q: How soon after the event will I receive my matches?
A: Matches are emailed to participants within 72 hours. Usually they will be sent the day after the event, however if there is some following up needed it can take a little longer.
Q: How will my matches contact me?
A: We will provide your matches with the email address you gave us for matches when you registered.
Q: Who calls Who?
A: We encourage both parties to contact each other. Remember, you already know the other person is interested in meeting you!
Q: Will you run special UM|Date sessions for private groups?
A: Yes! Urban Milan will be happy to come to the location of your choice and run a speed dating party just for your members. Just send an email to [email protected] with some information about your group and we organize a fun speed dating event for you.
Q: Why do some of your events have different age ranges for men and women?
A: A statistical analysis of our members' age preferences indicates that most women prefer to meet men who are a few years older than themselves, and most men want to meet women who are younger than themselves. Staggered age ranges increase the chances that our participants will meet someone they want to see again. This also means that more people sign up for the events which increases the chances for everyone of making a connection.
Q: What if I still have more questions?
A: If you have more questions, feel free to email us at [email protected]