The Dating Tool Kit

Following the Urban Milan guidelines below really pays off in huge dividends. For women, following these guidelines will weed out your Prince from all the frogs out there. For Men, following these guidelines will certainly help keep the lady of your dreams interested...
Urban Desi Women:
1. When a potential hottie calls you, do not stay on the phone for longer then 20 minutes. If he has not asked you out after 20 minutes, in your sweetest voice say “It has been lovely chatting with you, I’ve gotta run..take care” and simply end the conversation. Your time is valuable and you desire a man to get to the point, ask you out and then you can continue chatting away on that first date. After all, why would you want to waste your time on the phone when you could be meeting up for a drink or dinner with someone else?
2. On a first date wear something cute and feminine. Our Desi men in America are used to seeing a woman in corporate gear and on a date they love to see a woman in all her feminine charms. Even if you are meeting him after work, men desire to see you in something soft and girly as they are visual creatures. Whether it is adding a splash of color to your outfit, or taking off your jacket and showing off that lacy will do wonders to feel feminine for you and for the man it will really put the 'WOW' factor into how he views you.
3. Chat about fun, light breezy conversation topics. You can chat about travel, movies, and your passions in life. Stay away from heavy conversations about work and family or past relationships. Remember you may be interviewing him in your head, but do not let him feel as if he is on the “hot seat” for this will be a huge turn off for him. Remember, he feels enough pressure at work, he wants to feel like you are providing him a fun and pleasurable sanctuary where he can just relax and enjoy himself.
4. At the end of a first date, if you have really enjoyed yourself, it is OK to give him a nice kiss or peck on the lips and a big hug and let him know that you enjoyed yourself. Do not ask him if he will call you, or if he wants to make plans to see you, if he is interested he will either ask you out again before you leave the first date or call you in a very short amount of time to ask you out again.
Urban Desi Men:
1. After meeting a lady that you would love to see again and receiving her contact information, CALL her within 2-3 days. No texting, no emails, but a real call goes a long way! Chat with her for a few minutes and then ask her out within 20 minutes else she is going to excuse herself and head off to her next date with another guy. Do not get off that first call without asking her out and making some concrete plans to share drinks or a meal.
2. When you meet her, give her a compliment. You can say “you look beautiful” or perhaps “I love the way your hair looks”, or even "you smell amazing". Remember just as the ladies know that you men fall in love with your eyes, ladies fall in love through their ears, so the authentic yet sweet compliments you offer go a very long way.
3. Be sure to ask her questions about herself and show interest in her life and her passions. A woman loves a man who shows attention to her by asking her questions and not monopolizing the conversation by talking about himself the whole time.
4. If you really dug your date, then be sure to ask her out again by the end of that first date. Then be sure to follow up with a call within 2-3 days and make concrete plans within a week to see her again.
Urban Desi Women:
1. When a potential hottie calls you, do not stay on the phone for longer then 20 minutes. If he has not asked you out after 20 minutes, in your sweetest voice say “It has been lovely chatting with you, I’ve gotta run..take care” and simply end the conversation. Your time is valuable and you desire a man to get to the point, ask you out and then you can continue chatting away on that first date. After all, why would you want to waste your time on the phone when you could be meeting up for a drink or dinner with someone else?
2. On a first date wear something cute and feminine. Our Desi men in America are used to seeing a woman in corporate gear and on a date they love to see a woman in all her feminine charms. Even if you are meeting him after work, men desire to see you in something soft and girly as they are visual creatures. Whether it is adding a splash of color to your outfit, or taking off your jacket and showing off that lacy will do wonders to feel feminine for you and for the man it will really put the 'WOW' factor into how he views you.
3. Chat about fun, light breezy conversation topics. You can chat about travel, movies, and your passions in life. Stay away from heavy conversations about work and family or past relationships. Remember you may be interviewing him in your head, but do not let him feel as if he is on the “hot seat” for this will be a huge turn off for him. Remember, he feels enough pressure at work, he wants to feel like you are providing him a fun and pleasurable sanctuary where he can just relax and enjoy himself.
4. At the end of a first date, if you have really enjoyed yourself, it is OK to give him a nice kiss or peck on the lips and a big hug and let him know that you enjoyed yourself. Do not ask him if he will call you, or if he wants to make plans to see you, if he is interested he will either ask you out again before you leave the first date or call you in a very short amount of time to ask you out again.
Urban Desi Men:
1. After meeting a lady that you would love to see again and receiving her contact information, CALL her within 2-3 days. No texting, no emails, but a real call goes a long way! Chat with her for a few minutes and then ask her out within 20 minutes else she is going to excuse herself and head off to her next date with another guy. Do not get off that first call without asking her out and making some concrete plans to share drinks or a meal.
2. When you meet her, give her a compliment. You can say “you look beautiful” or perhaps “I love the way your hair looks”, or even "you smell amazing". Remember just as the ladies know that you men fall in love with your eyes, ladies fall in love through their ears, so the authentic yet sweet compliments you offer go a very long way.
3. Be sure to ask her questions about herself and show interest in her life and her passions. A woman loves a man who shows attention to her by asking her questions and not monopolizing the conversation by talking about himself the whole time.
4. If you really dug your date, then be sure to ask her out again by the end of that first date. Then be sure to follow up with a call within 2-3 days and make concrete plans within a week to see her again.